Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September Double Header

September features an exciting double header for our region

First up is an event in the Buffalo region on September 12:
Event: Jane Austen: The Origins of a True Original
Where: Clarence Library
When: September 12, 6 pm

Next up is an event in the Rochester area on September 21.

President James A. Garfield

Event:  A Review of Dr. Alice Villaseñor's talk at the AGM in October
Where: Pittsford Barnes and Noble Community Room
When:  September 21, 1 pm

Political Satire - Austen Style
This session will focus on “Austen style” political satire in two contexts. First, the session will highlight examples of the author’s satirical allusions to local Hampshire political campaigns. In consideration of the conference location’s proximity to the Garfield National Historic Site, the session will also discuss President Garfield’s use of Austen’s satire to describe a book about a political figure of his own time.

Dr. Alice Villaseñor is the Associate Director of Civic and Community Engagement at SUNY Buffalo State University. She has published on Jane Austen and has a forthcoming book chapter about teaching Elizabeth Gaskell. A lifetime JASNA member, she has served JASNA as the 2006 International Visitor, member of the IVP Committee, board member of JASNA and JASNA-SW, and current member of the JASNA EDI Committee. This will be her ninth AGM presentation.
LinkedIn profile for Dr. Villaseññor

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